Wednesday, June 23, 2010

I wasted a year...

In 2008 I could have finished my WIP. I had just moved to the US to be with my boyfriend (now husband) and I was waiting on a green card. For a year. Yup, I spent a year surfing the internet, walking the dog and waiting for the next Netflix movie to arrive. *Sigh*. What a dope.

You see, before I left Old Blighty, I had paid for, and received, a critique of my ms by an editor. And boy did he rip me a new one (like, a totally new one – on my thigh or somewhere). It paralyzed me into thinking I couldn’t, or shouldn’t, write anymore. I so loved writing and I wanted to continue more than anything, but I became too scared to, in case it turned out that I really couldn’t.

Here's the thing. I re-read his critique the other day and I realized that all his criticism (and for the first time I actually noticed some lovely comments too) was not only correct, but exactly the information I was (and still am) gleaning from my fellow bloggers (*waves to the photos on the right*) and favorite agency websites. Maybe I just had to figure it out by myself to be able to move on.

Anyway, to save me wasting another year, I’ve decided to sign up for a writers’ conference in the winter to motivate me and to finally meet people who write face-to-face. Yipeee! I have my eyes on the DFW writers’ conference in February next year. Is anyone else going? Does anyone have any other nice ones they would like to recommend to a conference virgin?


Melissa said...

OOO. A writers conference. I'm jealous. All my hopes are set on WriteOnCon right now.

It's hard to get critiques, you obviously just needed a little perspective and now you have it, and have learned a lot more. Think about how much better things will be this time round!

Suze said...

Melissa - me too really. I'm really looking forward to that too... and the DFW will be going on my credit card with a lengthy repayment schedule :). I can't wait to see what WriteOnCon is going to be like!

Erin Kuhns said...

Like some things in life, writing is something we just can't rush. Sometimes things just need to simmer in us before we're ready to take them to the next step. It sounds like you're ready for the next step. AWESOME!!!

Elliot Grace said...

...don't sweat the negative comments from those in the know. I've received my share of criticism from critiques as well. But you live and you learn...and as starving artists, we build from it and struggle on...and that's how we succeed. Hang in there, and good luck at the conference:)

Lydia Kang said...

You're asking the wrong person, I've never been to a conference either, but I'd love to go!

Crits are so useful, especially when that happens--the comments make sense across the board.

Good luck with your WIP!

DEZMOND said...

yep, you should always trust the professionals, and people who are in the publishing industry. People often get angry when we give them criticism, but they should use it as an advice on what to keep working, what need fixing and developing.

Dr. Mohamed said...

Glad to see that you're back in the saddle.

I can't say that I'm too keen on conferences. Too shy :). But it might be splendid for you. Let us know how it goes.

Keep writing!

Lia Victoria said...

Oooh, conferences. I've always been fascinated, but never looked too deeply into them. Perhaps I will take the plunge also!

Perri said...

Funny how the critical comments always hurt more than the praise helps. Glad you revisited the comments.

I've had similar experiences and about all that helps is time and Frappaccinos.

You'll have a great time at the conference. They are so much fun!

Perri said...

Funny how the critical comments always hurt more than the praise helps. Glad you revisited the comments.

I've had similar experiences and about all that helps is time and Frappaccinos.

You'll have a great time at the conference. They are so much fun!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're working on this WIP again. 'Cause I kind of love it. And you didn't waste a year, you just took a long break. If it refreshed you and made you miss writing then it served a purpose.